Transforming The Fique Industry
On the internet there is a website circulating illegally initiated by former associates and contractors of our Group of Companies called “Ecofique.co” or “Biofique.co” who pretend to represent our Group of Companies – Ecofique SAS Colombia, Ecofingers Colombia SAS and Ecofique Invest SAS.
There is only one legitimate website https://ecofique.com allowed to use the name Ecofique and all the properties related to it registered as such under Ecofique SAS-Colombia.
Former CEO, Associates, Persons and/or Contractors who pretend to act or represent our original “Ecofique Group” not related to Ecofique SAS Colombia are under perjury of Colombian Law and Non Disclosure Agreements.
Ecofique SAS Colombia is a legally registered Colombian company which has the exclusive rights of the name ECOFIQUE.
We are licensed as producer of the following agro products :
Saponins, Glucosides, Surfectants, Animal Concentrate Additives,
Organic Fertilizer, Organic Fungicide, Organic Nematicide,
Organic Pesticide, Soil Stabilizer, Foaming Agents
You may contact us with the contactform.